WoD – “Nicole in a Boat”
AMRAP in 20 Minutes
Row 400m
MAX Reps Pull Ups
- Little twist on a Benchmark Classic. The format is very much the same. You row your 400m & when its time to jump up on the pull up bar it is for a MAX effort set of pull ups (If you’re “open focused” it’ll be C2B). Once you come off the bar, its time to row again!
- We will be using today to benchmark some numbers to go forward with so listen up during the briefing at the start of class.
- As always go out there, try your hardest & have sone fun with this one!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post Number of ROUNDS first, then input your PULL UP to Beyond The Whiteboard.
This is Awesome!!
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