CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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01/01/16 – “Theres Always a Silver (Mid)Lining!”

 Happy New Year !!!!!


May everything you wish to achieve in 2016 happen!! (As long as you put the work in, it’ll all be fine :))






Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes:

Handstand Hold, 30 secs

Hollow Body Hold, 30 secs

Superman Arch Hold, 30 Secs

Plank Hold (on your elbows) , 30 secs




  • After all the running & activity the past few days its time to place some focus on your static isometric holds.
  • The 30 seconds is to be accumulated, So if you need to break a hold 20 seconds in you must get another 10 seconds done in hold before moving onto the next hold.
  • Brace properly and don’t let your midline go soft just for the sake of holding a certain amount of seconds. Scale it as needed (see options below). Remember in all holds bar the plank you need to think about extending your legs & pointing your toes. Keep your heels & toes together in all holds.
  • If you are unsure about these moves then please scale it back from the start.
  • When going upside down don’t get stubborn and hold longer than you’re able. Look after yourself.


Scale Options:

Doing all moves as prescribed but not accumulating the time. Simply move on after 30 secs whether you have held for 30 secs or not.

Scale back to 20 seconds holding with a 10 second rest before moving on.

Scale handstand hold to a 1/2 wall walk or a bent hips hold on a chair. Scale hollow holdto a tuck hold or to a ‘Dead Bug’. Scale plank to on the hands with straight arms.

Scale back entire WoD to 8 mins.

Take any of these options & you don’t write “RX” on any part of your scoring.





Post number of rounds to comments or our FB page.

Nice vid on hollow body holds. 

YouTube Preview Image

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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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