Every Minute On The Minute For…………..,
3 Power Cleans (65kg / 45kg)
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
*If you get through 10 rounds successfully, add 1 rep of each the next minute. And another rep of each the minute after and so & on and so forth until you cannot keep up with the clock.
For example: in the 11th minute you do 4 power clean, 4 front squat, 4 push jerk. In the 12th minute you do 5 power clean, 5 front squat, 5 push jerk, etc, etc.
On the other end of the spectrum, if you fall short anywhere before the end of the 6th round. You will take 1 minute off and rejoin in on 2 reps of each. BUT you will stop at the 10 minute mark as a cap.
If you fall short after round 6 then your workout is done. Sit back and cheer on your mates.
Your score is your last SUCCESSFUL round completed.
Your MAIN FOCUS TODAY how well you move on each component.
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