Pre: Gymnastics Skill / Strength:
Strict Pulling Progressions
The work capacity piece we have been working has now finished. Well done to you all. Your abilities on the pull up bar improved massively throughout the course.
Now though it is time to reset that dial and put our focus on the good honest strength behind all these fancy gymnastics pulling movements.
Choose your poison based off of what you can do at the minute as well as having an eye on you want to be able to do in the future. Two of the three options on the menu have a prerequisite strength to them so start here and lets build toward those end goals!
We will all work every 90 seconds for a total of 5 rounds.
- 1 – Pull Ups, 4 – 7 reps.
- 2 – Chest To Bar Pull Ups, 3 – 6 reps.
- 3 – Ring Muscle Ups, 2 – 4 reps.
ALL three options are meant to be UNBROKEN sets so choose your number accordingly. The volume you are after will come in time.
ALL reps are STRICT.
3 Rounds For Time:
China Town Run
15 Thrusters (42.5kg / 30kg)
12 Toes To Bar
- This is potent. Choose a weight on the bar that enables you to move it multiple times before thinking about putting it down.
- Don’t underestimate the simplicity of this WoD.
- Scale as needed.
- 17 min time cap.
Post what you did on the progressions. Then post your time from the WoD to Beyond The Whiteboard.
Being deep in “that” moment during your daily WoD is one of life’s little pleasures that never gets old!
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