Perform The Following, Each One For Time:
With a rolling clock set for 30 minutes:
00:00 – 10:00:
21 – 15 – 9 of:
Dead Lift (1.5 BW, BW)
Box Jump (30″, 24″)
10:00 – 20:00:
5 Rounds of:
7 Hang Power Clean (70kg, 50kg)
7 Burpee
20:00 – 30:00:
3 Rounds of:
10 Strict Press (40kg, 30kg)
10 Overhead Sit Up (15kg, 10kg)
*Only one bar is allowed. Organise your plates accordingly.
*Each segment has a 10 minute cap, If you have not completed the required work in the allotted time you stop there, record your score as how many reps completed, and move onto the next segment.
*If you complete the task within the 10 minutes you must stop and rest. Wait until the clock rings through to the next segment before you can proceed. You many adjust your plates in the rest periods.
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