Complete As Many Rounds As Possible (“AMRAP“)
in 15 Minutes:
10 Squat Cleans (42.5kg / 30kg)
10 Box Jumps (24″ Box / 20″ Box)
10 Squat Cleans (42.5kg / 30kg)
Row 15 Calories (10 Cals)
The art of moving a light weight well is as important as that of moving a maximum heavy weight.
Use your General Physical Preparedness (GPP) & find a way to keep moving whilst upholding the highest quality movement standards.
Don’t be fooled by the seemingly light weight on the bar. If you choose to go as “RX” then you better bring with it perfect form and lots of reps!!
Post number of rounds & any scaling if applicable to comments.
CrossFit CBD was well represented at two local competitions over the weekend.
Al H in the Victorian Master Cup, and Ben, Blair, Jac & Mihali at in the Grassroots Comp.
Massive well done all round. Every single one of them outdid themselves and they each also set a few PR’s along the way too!!
Photo credit: Matthew Townsend.
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