Strength WoD
WoD: For Load:
Overhead Squat 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5
- This movement is a genuine display of ones athletic & functional potential. Don’t be down on things if you find yourself making friends with the Broomstick all session long. You NEED to master the basics of this before you ever add load.
- Stay tight, brace the midline. Press UP into that bar and lets not let that bar roll you forwards.
- All the points of performance on the squat still apply (Hip crease below knee, knees tracking, heels grounded, etc). Only this time you have tho contend with supporting a load all the ways above your head.
- Use today to hone in that technique and we can build from there.
- If you are finding the ‘OHS’ is feeling good (& your coach is happy) then try for a PR around set 4 or 5.
Post all loads to Beyond The Whiteboard.
Lovely demo from HQ on how to execute the Overhead Squat.
Practice everyday with a PVC pipe or Broomstick!
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