Strength WoD
A: For Load
Back squat, 5 x 5 (Wave 2, Week 1)
- This is a new wave of our 5×5’s. We are cutting weight today and will increment each week for the next few.
- Everybody cut the weight back to what you had on your Back Squat on Wk 3 of the first wave.
- Use the same load across all working sets. Do NOT keep adding load per set between sets.
B: For Load
Front Squat, 3 x 3
- Take your Back Squat number & then everyone reduce by 20-30kg based on how you are feeling.
- These are meant as “Drop-Sets” so should still feel very doable. NOT rough going at all.
- Same load across all three sets.
- Rest 2 Mins between sets
Post all loads to Beyond The Whiteboard.
CrossFit CBD would like to extend a huge congratulations to Nat & Marty on the arrival of beautiful Oscar Ruben Essers.
Both Nat & Bub are doing great!
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