Part a):
Back Squat 3 x 10 (@ 50 – 60%).
First 5 reps of each set to be tempo’d: Take 2 full seconds to descend to the bottom, then drive back up. Last 5 reps tempo as per normal.
Focus is on quality of movement & efficiency, NOT how much you can lift!!
Part b):
“To Me, To You!!”
12 Minute Partner A.M.R.A.P of:
10 Kettlebell Swings (24kg, 16kg)
12 Box Jumps (24″ box, 20″ box)
**Run on an “you go – I go” basis. One partner completes the whole round while the other rests. Swap over and continue in that vein for the 12 minutes**.
Post your Squat load individually, and then your number of rounds/reps as a duo from the WOD to Comments.
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