Every Minute On The Minute (For 4 Mins) Followed by Every OTHER Minute On The Other Minute, For A Total Of 20 Mins of:
The WOD breakdown will go as follows:
Mins 1-4; 5 Reps (On the minute)
Mins 6 and 8; 4 Reps
Mins 10 and 12; 3 Reps
Mins 14 and 16; 2 Reps
Mins 18 and 20; 1 Rep.
Add 2.5kg after EVERY successful round*. Start at 60% of 1RM Thruster
*: A successful round constitutes one where the athlete completes the required number of reps, and does so with great form and technique. Any failures on these conditions and the athlete must reduce the load to that of their last successful round and continue the climb once more.
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