A: For Load:
Back squat, 5 x 5 (Wave 2, Week 2)
- We are in a fresh wave of our 5×5’s. Last wk we cut the weight. Now we look to increment the kilos each week for the next few.
- Everybody, try to add 2-4kg to your number last week (Go by feel & don’t just look at the highest number!).
- Use the same load across all working sets. Do NOT keep adding load per set between sets.
B: For Rounds/Reps:
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 10 Minutes of:
30 Double Unders
10 Burpees
- Put your foot on the gas and see how many you get!
- Who can go a round a minute??
- Scale as needed to hit minimum 5 rounds.
Post the load from the Squats, then post AMRAP score to Beyond The Whiteboard.
CrossFit CBD has another new little CrossFitter in the ranks!!
We’d like to congratulate Ben Broeren & his wife on the arrival of beautiful Harry Herman Broeron!
Ben is already try to kit him out in CBD wear & it looks like soccer may be on the cards for little Harry!
Give Ben a high five next time you see him!
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