Pre: For Skill / Capacity:
Chest To Bar / Pull Up Progression: Depending on your current ability. Choose from the following options:- 1 -You have a few/some/a lot of C2B's = 7 sets of 3-10 reps (choose your number), resting 60 secs between sets. 2 - You don't have any C2B's = 7 sets of 8 PULL UPS, resting 60 secs between sets. 3 -You haven't got pull ups yet (band assisted pull ups) = 3 sets of 12 reps in as few sets as possible, resting 60 secs between. (Although kipping is allowed it MUST be a tight pure gymnastics kip. If you cannot do this then you will be brought back to strict pull ups until you can). 4 -Fairly new the Pull Up Bar or cannot/not allowed to kip? = 5 sets of 6 reps STRICT Pull Ups. 5-Ring Rows, 5 sets of 10 reps. Rest as needed. (find the appropriate scaling to move forward with).
Tribute WoD: "Emma"
. Complete for time: Buy-in of: 15 Burpee Over Bar Then .... 3 Rounds of: 11 Push Jerks (60kg / 40kg) 33 Abmat Sit Ups Then ..... Cash-Out: 15 Burpee Over Bar- Oh and there is the 2 Strict Pull Ups to be done at the TOP of each minute, starting at the 1:00 point.
- Special WoD today. Throw down hard & give it your all as you always do.
Todays workout is in memory of Emma R.
Emma was a former member of CBD only leaving us in October 2015 for work & up to that point had been a loyal member with for over 3 years.
Sadly she passed away last weekend & will be sorely missed by all who knew her.
Our thoughts & prayers go out to Emma's loved ones in this difficult time. She not be forgotten by us on the RoD.
Once a part of the CBD family, always a part of it.
If anyone didn't get a chance to throw down today & wish to do so, come on in for an Open Gym & we'll make it happen.
RIP Emma x
. . .
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