Part A, For Skill Development:
The ‘Skin The Cat’
– 10 Minutes work on learning, refreshing, honing the techniques of this fantastic Gymnastics skill.
– The ‘Skin The Cat’ when done properly and done to its highest level is a difficult manoeuvre to execute and indeed master.
– As well as developing strength on the rings it also acts as a great shoulder mobility piece to keep them healthy. (with reasonable amounts of volume. 30 kipping reps will is not what we are talking about!)
– Remember, in order to claim full proficiency at this, you need to keep your arms straight, engage your lats & core. Pull yourself around leading with your feet. Your toes must pass beyond that of your shoulders when you are upside-down. Return to your starting position, fully extended to complete 1 rep.
– All work with feet off the floor will be done as strict as possible. NO kipping!
Part B: For Reps:
‘AMRAP’ In 9 Mins:
21 Double Unders
15 Toes Thru Rings
9 Burpee To Rings
Post Reps for Part B to comments.
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