CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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21/10/15 – “Great Scott!!”

Skill / Work Capacity:

Chest To Bar / Pull Up Progression:

Depending on your current ability & what you did last time round (06/10/15). Choose from the following options:

If you are doing this for the first time then start your progression based on current ability 7 stick with the choice.

  • 1 -You have a few C2B’s (1-5 reps) = 6 sets of 5-6 reps, resting 60 secs between sets.
  • 2 -You have some C2B’s (5-10 reps) = 6 sets of 7 reps, resting 60 secs between sets.
  • 3 -You have a lot of C2B’a (11+ reps) = 6 sets of 8-9 reps, resting 60 secs between sets.
  • 4 – You don’t have any C2B’s (0 reps) = 6 sets of 7 PULL UPS, resting 60 secs between sets.
  • 5 -You haven’t got pull ups yet (band assisted) = 3 sets of 12 reps in as few sets as possible, resting 90 secs between. (Although kipping is allowed it MUST be a tight pure gymnastics kip. If you cannot do this then you will be brought back to strict pull ups until you can).
  • 6 -Fairly new the Pull Up Bar or cannot/not allowed to kip? = 4-5 sets of 4-5 reps STRICT Pull Ups or 10 Ring Rows (find the appropriate scaling to move forward with). Rest as needed.

ALL unassisted options (1-4) are UNBROKEN sets.

The band assisted Pull Up sets can be broken up but the intent is to get all 12 reps in as few sets as possible (ideally we want to get to unbroken). Once you can achieve all 3 sets of 12 Unbroken its time to move up a band. The strict Pull Ups fall into the same scenario.



WoD: “Great Scott!!”

For Rounds:


10 Min AMRAP:

*Buy-In of 50 KB Swings (24kg / 16kg)*

Then AMRAP in time left…

7 Knees To Elbow

14 Power Clean (42.5kg / 30kg)









Scale as needed. This is a light weight WoD. Lets get it moving!

Post what number option on the progression & then post WoD Rounds To Comments.



. . .


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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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