In Teams of 2 Complete As Many Reps As Possible (“AMREP“)
in 40 Minutes:
100 Dead Lift (60kg / 40kg) (Partner holds bar at waist)
100 Box Jump Overs (20″)
50 Hang Power Clean (Partner holds bar at waist)
50 Toes To Bar (Partner hangs on bar)
50 Push Jerk (Partner holds bar at front rack)
50 Chest To Bar Pull Up (Partner hangs on bar)
50 Front Squat (Partner holds bar at front rack)
50 Burpee Over Bar
100 KettleBell Swing (24kg / 16kg) (Partner KB in goblet position with both hands)
100 Calorie Row (Partner holds bar at waist)
**Switch every 5 reps except the Row where you switch every 25 Cals.
**Reps can only be completed when non-working partner is in their hold.
**Oh and one more thing, ….. Every 15 mins the whole class performs a team “Seamstress Run”. Everybody leaves together, runs together, and arrives back together as a team.
You will start this WoD on the run.
**Embrace the mateship & camaraderie required to do this type of workout.
100 Years.
Lest We Forget.
Nice touch down on the corner of Swanson/Flinders St above.
Post total Reps as a team to comments.
The 7:15am Crew
The 9am Crew
The 10:45am Crew
Well done guys! You embraced the sprit on the day, came together and smashed it!
Very proud of you all.
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