Part a);
Dead Lift 3 x 5 ,
Same load across all 3 working sets. (If new to CBD and do not have an established max weight, spend the time allotted to find and establish a “challenging 5” to base a progression off from).
Part b):
Complete As Many Rounds & reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 13 Minutes of:
5 Burpee Muscle Up* (rings to be set at least 3″ from max reach)
China Town Run -OR- 400m Row……………..the choice is yours!
*Scale for MU today is 7 Burpee Pull Ups. (unassisted pull ups is NOT “as RX” today).
Post DL load, the number of rounds from AMRAP, and whether you rowed or ran (or both!) to comments. Write up any scaling where necessary too.
Be honest, who are you really looking at in this pic ??
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