Complete As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible
In 15 Minutes of:
Seamstress Run
15 Box Jumps (30″ / 24″ Box)
30 Abmat Sit Ups*
* = Athletes to face wall, soles down and must touch fingers to the edge where the floor meets the wall.
Athletes will also note down the time left on the clock when they head out on their final run (usually with 2:30 or less left on the timer). Write this down next to your score to use as a “tie-breaker”.
Note: only write this down if you come back off of the run and the clock has timed out (i.e: when your score would read ‘2 rounds + run’. Now it would read something like: “2 + Run (2:09). ).
Post number of rounds (& tie-breaker time if applicable) to comments.
Summer is coming !!
How are your goals coming along?? Do you need to set any new ones??
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