Welcome to the ROD Athlete Program!!
Please please make sure to read the “Training Guidelines” page and the “How It All Works” page to familiarise yourself with everything. Do this now!! 🙂
Please post your results, good or bad to us via the comments or my email. : )
A): 1 x Power Snatch + 2 x Hang Power Snatch, 6 sets (work up to 80-85% of your power snatch 1rm).
NOTES: HIP EXTENSION! You know where we’re going with this. We want you work on the explosiveness of this move. When the bar moves past the knees (make sure you’re well over and in front of the bar at this point!) explode open your hips and delay any arm bend until the very last millisecond! Use your shoulders here and get “up” and open. As that bar passes your hips it’ll make some kind of contact.
Not a bumping it off yourself and it if front but there will be a definite closeness nod touching of hip to bar. (Be careful not to mistake opening your hips with swaying the out in front and banging in to the bar).
When that bar passes your high chest area it’s time to drive yourself underneath that bar. When it’s travelling one way we want you to ‘punch’ yourself into the partially squatted position (aka the ‘power’ position). Your arms should be at lockout by time you ‘receive’ and ‘catch’ the bar. Stand it up fully and under control before bringing the bar down to your hips and then go into the 2 reps of the Hang Power Snatch. Remember the notes above about getting over the bar.
B): Barbell Front Rack Lunges 3 x 10 (let’s make it 10 on each leg! Hehe!). Yon can use a rack if you choose to.
NOTES: Start with your squat stance (shoulder width apart). Elbows nice and high. Get them as high as possible, then make them higher! 🙂
Start leading with your dominant foot, take a nice long stride out in front and let the knee of the training leg kiss the ground. You then drive back up off that front foot back to your original starting position. Do the same with the other leg. Remember its 10 per leg this week.
Be sure to brace that midline. Keep the belly tight and chest/elbows up at all times!