The importance of having fun
With our 5th annual Decades Day coming up this Saturday it seems like a good time to post a little piece on the importance of having fun whilst all the while trying to chase Fitness like a maniac.
First up let us take a quick moment to explain about our annual event, The Decades Day. Held every winter time it was formally known as the “80’s Day” it all came about as a way to brush off the winter blues & let our hair down with the friends we train with year round. First held in 2012 we really went to town and got our 80’s on.
The main theme of that day was definitely a fluero one as the photo here will attest.
It ended being a huge amount of fun and lifted the spirits of every member for weeks after. All of a sudden winter didn’t feel so bad & we could also then start to see some light at the end of those short days. It also reminded us of the importance of the CrossFit Community. You see this training methodology can get quite rigorous and it demands a lot of the body & mind to train all year round. Reminding ourselves that actually we can have a buck load of fun doing it and also do it with likeminded friends. This itself can prove to be invaluable to us all.
We are after all training for life and to be as Fit & as well-rounded (functionally) as possible. But sometimes we can forget that & get caught up in numbers, percentages and what Joe Bloggs did in the class before you. This can lead to negative thoughts & a different view on why you are training in the first instance.
Fast forward a few years from that first event and this CBD tradition has built & grown into awesome fancy dress costumes, lots & lots of laughs, super food/drink & we guess most importantly good friendships are forged & built along the way. Check out these pics of years gone past to see the brilliant effort that gets put in.
This year we decided to open up the genre to all the decades. Why? Because after 4 years of costumes from the 80’s we may start to run a bit dry for ideas.
We want you to pick your favourite person, icon, sports star, etc from ANY ERA and come ready to party (after you workout of course!).
As we mentioned briefly above we all can from time to time get caught up in the numbers and “shoulda/woulda/coulda” mentality. You know what we mean, “I should be able to do that now”, “I should be doing RX by now”, etc etc. You all know full well that we don’t buy into that kind of stuff at all! We could delve much deeper into this topic but thats best saved for another post 🙂
Moving away from the seriousness of training & stepping outside of yourself can actually help refresh you and actually see you develop more & progress to new heights. We are not saying we want you to come in to the Box and be a class clown or anything. We are just saying that every now & then its great to take a lighthearted approach & smile & actually enjoy yourself.
The Community aspect of CrossFit & CrossFit Boxes the world round is one of the things that separate us from the norm. Where else can you throw down, set a PR on a hard-ass WoD like “Fran” & have 10 other people, make that 10 other friends, cheering & screaming their heads off for you to succeed? In what other program do you find the loudest cheer being reserved for those that are finishing their Workout behind their classmates?
Our mission here as Coaches of CrossFit CBD is of course to make you the Fittest you’ve ever been. Yes we want to make you the healthiest you’ve ever been. But we also want to make CrossFit and its training program open & accessible to EVERYONE regardless of Fitness, Strength, Background, Gender, etc, etc. We want to create a family atmosphere where you actually look forward to coming up to the Rooftop not just to train but also to see your friends.
Part of all that is having fun. The more fun you are having, be it in your regular class, our Super-Saturday type WoDs, our Dress-Up WoDs or even Social functions, the better your training will actually be and the better results you will then yield. Combine this with consistency in attendance and being as coachable as possible and you have a recipe for success. Everything you desire in the Gym (and possible out of it too) can fall into place.
This kind of camaraderie (on special event days) filters over to your WoD classes naturally. All of a sudden you’re talking to new faces more often, getting to know more people before/after class, you’re high-fiveing everyone in sight, cheering for your mates, and you have a big smile on your face! Now all the darkness of those mornings/evenings pales away into insignificance. (FYI: #SummerIsComing).
So why not jump on a fancy dress website like this one & order yourself a costume for Saturday. We will have a fun, yet typically hard Saturday WoD for you to attack in teams of 2 or 3. Then we will light the BBQ (Yes we got fresh gas in especially!!), crack open a beverage or two & have a laugh from start to finish. We guarantee that come the Monday after you will be more excited to get in and see your mates, and together you will smash the next devilish WoD that we have designed for your pleasure with a smile.
Hope to see you all Saturday morning 🙂
The 5th Annual “Decades Day” is happening this very Saturday, the 9th July. The WoD is scheduled for 9am and the BBQ* is on from 10am onward. Please book yourself in online here(link) for both (or one if you can’t stay all morning) & we will create some new memories on the Rooftop Of Dreams!!
*BBQ is BYO, bring along the meat you want to consume, maybe a bot more to share out with the group.
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