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Blog Post: Whats Coming Up On The ROD This Winter!!

What to look forward to at CBD this winter!


We are right in the mix when it comes to melbourne’s cooler weather. Some may see this as a time to “rug up” and hibernate so to speak.

We get it, the warmth of the pub with the open fire or the thought of a hot chocolate at night is more tempting than training. The extra 15 mins you may gain by staying in bed in the morning might seem glorious at the time but if left to happen frequently, it can see you end up at spring to summertime in regret for you have wasted the opportunity to train at the BEST TIME OF YEAR!!

Yep you read that correct!! For more on why you should train with us over winter check out this blog post we put out last winter on the subject.

For this post we will concentrate on the WHAT with regard to winter up here. We have done a heap of planning to ensure we tempt you up to the Rooftop Of Dreams and more importantly we want the time spent up here in your brand new 2115nine Hoody is time spent productively and you to new results.

So what is going on you say? We have planned training themes, ideas, social events & a few competitions along the way to add to the fun. Let’s go through Month by month!

(Note: we have added Septembers focus points too as we just wanted to! That is all!).


An overview of the coming months on the ROD:


  • Structural Base support month
  • Decades Day dress up WoD
  • Monthly Challenge returns


  • Hero Month
  • More Strength WoDs to pop up
  • CF Games BBQ
  • Another new monthly challenge


  • Nutrition awareness month
  • CF CBF Food Challenge returns
  • Gymnastics skill focus, 2-3 x week via skill-based warm ups.
  • Another new monthly challenge


As you can see there is a heap going on. Allow us to give you some details:



This July will see us place some focus & emphasis on your body as an organised system (We haven’t coined an official name for the month yet but as a beta name lets go with “midline & stability awareness month”. We wholeheartedly believe in CrossFit and all the benefits you get from it. We build great strength & fitness gains in a broad sense quite quickly. We do however need to ensure you aren’t growing too fast too soon. We don’t mean we are trying to stunt your progress or hold you back. Quite the contrary, we want you to progress as quickly as safely possible! (This even applies to our experienced members who we still see progress & “gainzzz” on a regular basis). Its our duty to ensure that as you grow stronger & fitter in your muscles that your joints, tendons, & smaller, supporting muscles are also tracking along at the same time. The details of July will come in a future post (this very weekend) to give even more details then.

Also in July we will see our 6th Annual dress up WoD =-Day happen!! Saturday 29th July is the date & as last years “Grid League” style team workouts went down a storm we will be looking to bring this back again this year. 2-4 teams (numbers dependant) fighting it out in your best fancy dress! All the awesomeness on one Rooftop can only be good right!!

July will too see the return of the revamped CBD Monthly Challenge! We started this year off great with the monthly challenge but participation waned a bit in a few of them due to people seeing some early results on the small whiteboard and thus assuming they would not beat it so never bothered trying. If we did that with everything in life we’d get nowhere guys!! So, we will now bring it back, this time with a couple changes. First up the winner will receive a $20 voucher to the CBD pro – shop! And secondly to ward off putting folks off doing the challenge no one will write down their “score” on the small whiteboard anymore. (You will be able to log it on the BTWB post which will appear on the 1st of the month). Instead have someone watch/count for you to verify your score, and you can submit your score on BTWB (add the judges name on there). We’d also like you to post a pic of yourself to Instagram doing part of the challenge with the hashtags #cbdmonthlychallenge & #crossfitcbd to be in the running. The whole idea behind the challenges is to entice you all to work on an extra skill piece outside of class times & also to embrace our community at large. Its not all about the score you produce. If you knew you can’t “win” the WoD in class would you not turn up & stay at home instead? Probably not. So please try to embrace the challenges for what they are. A chance to better ourselves & have some fun. And maybe win a voucher to spend on yourself which is always nice!



Hero Month is back!! Thats right. Its back for the 3rd year running. Why do we do “Hero Month” you ask? Good question. There are a number of factors. Firstly its winter & it can often be the time of year we lose motivation & drive to keep exercising when in actual fact it s the time of year we should be grinding away so that when summer comes we can fully enjoy all the fruits of our labour. Secondly it adds a wonderful Community element to our training. We know we have a fantastic Community on the Rooftop & we know you all love a Benchmark WoD. This gives us a chance to focus through some of the Hero WoDs & challenge ourself both physically & mentally. We won’t be hammering one at you everyday, don’t worry. We are looking at 3 Hero WoDs a week, possibly a 4th on some of those weeks. We are working hard behind the scenes to program intelligently for you so you can do most, if not all of them as they come. We will be re-visiting some Hero WoDs we’ve programmed from years gone past to give us measurability & we will be introducing you to some new ones for you to tackle. Not sure what a Hero WoD is, click here for a little more insight.

This also brings us to our next point. Alongside these Hero WoDs we will be injecting some more strength day WoDs in the mix. Reasons for this are two-fold. Firstly we will be able to program these around the Hero workouts and use them as way to bring our (High) Intensity down a notch & re-focus on good, solid movement (not to say you won’t be moving well during your Hero workouts, you will be!). It will also give us a chance to give ourselves a boost in the strength department too! We know you all love a good strength session & this will give a chance to set your targets looking ahead to next years Open (yes we think THAT far ahead for you!).

August is also the month of the World CrossFit Games! On the weekend of Aug 3rd-6th the worlds best, most elite CrossFitter’s will be throwing down at Madison, Wisconsin to determine who will be crowned the worlds Fittest Man, Women & Team. We will having an informal BBQ/Get-Together after the last WoD on Saturday 5th August where we will eat, drink & watch some reasonably Fit folks exercise really fast. Due to the time differences from here to the U.S we will probably be able to choose to watch an older event if nothing is live on TV. This does come one week after “Decades Day” so we will keep it more informal & BYO a plate/drink to make it easier on everyone.



Yes technically we are now our of Winter but it seems logical to give you a heads up on whats to come. Two main things will be on focus this month. Firstly it will be a Nutrition awareness month on the Rooftop. You cannot out-train a bad diet & we want to remind you of the importance of your fuelling your body. This month we will look to inform you as much as possible. We will also be holding a food challenge too. We do these 1-2 times per year & it is encouraged that EVERYBODY take part. Even our more seasoned members who “have tried it all” need to do this (us Coaches included!!). If you are seasoned we view it as a reset of sorts where you re-dial it back in as we may have gotten complacent. For the newer member its a time to actually start the dial in procedure and really see what your body can do for you if you fuel it correctly & strictly. Its no coincidence we put this on in September as October sees out in-house Comp, The WoD on the ROD Games come & Summer is right around the corner too!

As well as the food awareness our physical focus will be on your Gymnastics. We will be interspersing more skill work in your warm ups sessions 2-3 x week. It hasn’t been decided yet if we will place all focus on a specific move (like handstands or HSPU’s for example) or if it will be a “pull/push program” In any case these will appear before WoDs and maybe they won’t have anything to do with the workout you are about to embark on after. During these we want you to fully immerse yourself into the task at hand. If we say EMOM x 10 of 3-7 HSPU we expect you to fully get into it and not half arse it in favour of the workout that lies ahead! Its in these moments & pockets of time that we can improve as athletes. We will be looking to slowly introduce some of these pre-WoD skill pieces before September to give you some exposure to the format.

So there we have it. The next 3 months plans are laid out there for us all to digest. We coaches will be devising the best possible plan to execute this to you all in the best fashion possible. Before you know it Winter will have been & gone, your midline & structural support will be stronger. You will have questioned your life choices money times over a few Hero WoDs. You will be reinvigorated with new feeling in your bodies after the food challenge and your gymnastics prowess will be on its way to mastery on the way through to the Open 2018!!

Fun times lie ahead!

 As always if you have any questions you can contact us here –

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