WoD: Strike!!
Complete For Time:
10 Front Squats (75 / 52.5 kg)
100 Double Unders
8 Front Squats
80 Double Unders
6 Front Squats
60 Double Unders
4 Front Squats
40 Double Unders
2 Front Squats
20 Double Unders
- Short & Heavy is the name of the game today. Clean that bar from the floor & keep the sets unbroken (Choose a weight that will challenge you and you’d class as moderately heavy).
- On the flip side we have a lot of double unders ahead of you. Stay composed, relax the shoulders and focus on the skill itself.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- 12 Min Time Cap. Scale as needed.
Post your TIME to Beyond The Whiteboard.
The Regionals kick off next weekend. Over the course of three weekends we will see who will be the 40 Men, 40 Women & 40 Teams that will compete at the CrossFit Games in August.
Check out the teams events for the Regionals….
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