On The Fourth Day of Christmas CrossFit CBD Gave To Meeeeeeeee……..
TWO THINGS!!! Eeeeeeeeekkk!!!
“Open WoD 12.1”
Complete As Many Reps As Possible in 7 Minutes
M: & W: Jump to a 6″ target
Rest 3 Minutes then…….
“Open WoD 18.0”
21 – 15 – 9 Reps For Time
Dumbbell Snatch
Burpees Over The Dumbbell
M: 22.5kg —|— W: 15kg
- Our annual end of year celebration continues with this years edition of the the “12 days of CrossFit Christmas”. 12 days of back to back benchmark/named WoDs to take us up to Christmas. Tons of fun times lie ahead! Be sure to read this blog post here on how to thrive during your experience in the 12 Days.
- Today we give TWO gifts of fitness to the CrossFit Community! Yep you read that correct you get TWO doses of some classic fitness on a plate (who doesn’t love seconds hey?????)
- Not only will this be a barrel load of fun but it will also provide a very spicy training stimulus. Yes even though we are doing benchmarks and its Christmas time and all that we still want to TRAIN and get the desired stimulus out of these workouts.
- What we doing today is testing our threshold and our stamina. The threshold part. Call it Lactate threshold if you like the geeky terms but essentially 7 minutes of burpee to target is a test of how much pace can you handle and sustain for 7 glorious, continuous minutes? We often see results in the region of 100-120 here and that shows us just what the human body is capable of. What we will then do is rest 2 minutes (yep. Just the 2!). We will then set ourselves a task priority of completing a WoD for time even though we are all very tired. This WoD when done fresh is around the 3-5 min mark. Given the fatigued state we will be aim to keep it around 5-7 mins. You never know, your stamina may hold well and you still keep it sub 5.
- Who’s got the mettle to grind this one out???
- Recover well after today. We have had 5 very intense bouts of fitness in 4 days. And tomorrow is an absolute humdinger doozy of workout!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your Number of REPS from 12.1 & then your TIME from 18.0 to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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