CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Friday 14/02/20

Thumbs around yo! . Pic: Angela Clancy

Thumbs around yo!
Pic: Angela Clancy

  WoD 1: “How’s Ya Bench Homies?”

Complete 3 Rounds


7 Dumbbell ‘Bench’ Press

5 Strict, L-Pull Ups



  WoD 2: “How’s Ya Lungs Homies?”

Complete For Time:

Row 1km Time Trial


  • Two parts to the puzzle today. First up we look to move some beautiful virtuous form. Find a heavy load to push omg those dumbbells. Breaking a round is ok if that happens. Today we are more concerned about how well we move rather than how long it takes us.
  • On the pull ups we want to find some of our hardest standards. L-pull ups are hard. Full stop. Challenge yourself to find what forces you to break a set of two here & there.
  • And finally, the row. Yes this is a hard workout in its own right. No, you will not be asked to hit it again after you do the distance. Today we want you to throw your kitchen sink into the mix. The time, dare we say, is irrelevant. What we are more concerned with is the effort you put forth. If you are a “coaster” who sits at a set pace how about you go our RED HOT and see what happens. If you are always the guy who comes out charging and dies away then how about you get to a hard but set pace number and stick on it. You never er know, this method may be the pathway to a new record??
  • Overall goal today is to find a heavy load to move on the dumbbells & really well on the couplet. Then on the rower, 150% effort!!
  • Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
  • Scale as needed.



Post the dumbbell load as a percentage of your bodyweight along with your time. Then record your rowing TIME to your Beyond The Whiteboard account.

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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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