Friday Chill Out Day!
A): 12 Min EMOM of:
Odd – Ring Dips (6 M, 4 F)
Even – Toes 2 Bar, 3-4 reps, Strict! (No kip allowed!)
NOTES: This is not meant to be a strenuous task, it’s Friday and it’s been a long hard week and as such this should be treated as technique session. On the ring dips you can kip if you choose to but strict form will be more beneficial to you. If you’re in a band for dips then keep to your normal scaling. These don’t have to be strung together. If it takes all 60 secs to get them done then so be it. With the T2B’s if you cannot perform full ROM strict (which requires a decent amount of flexibility as well as a strong midline) then perform hanging leg raises to your highest range and we’ll work on your hamstrings/glutes/abs, etc.
B): No “B” today
NOTES: It’s Friday. Take it easy 🙂