WoD: “Upside Down You Killing Me!”
Complete For Time:
75 Handstand Push Ups
- Single modality workouts are hugely important to developing well rounded fitness. Work these in conjunction with lots of variance and skill and you can prosper very well. Work single modality stuff over & over (like running fir example) and you have a recipe for bias, imbalance and general disaster.
- Today you can kip these rep IF you are on thew wall AND have a flat surface or no more than 1″ reduce ion in range of motion. Any more reduction (an ab-mat on its own for instance) and you will need to keep it strict.
- Before this workout begins we will work a lot on your “HSPU” technique and work in strict form reps. This is a chance for everyone to improve their craft. If you can get upside on the wall for some reps but are not yet ready to go on the wall for a timed workout then we want you to use the wall to PRACTICE & IMPROVE. Then we will have you scale to the box or an appropriately set scale that will keep you in line with the WoDs intents.
- If you are not yet ready for thew wall lets get you hitting some very hard standards on the box before pulling back a bit for the workout itself.
- Oh, we should probably point out that there will be penalties for breaking up any sets too. enjoy 🙂
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
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