Strength WoD:
For Load:
Back Squat
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
2 Second eccentric (lower) on EVERY rep
3 Second pause on the FIRST rep of each set
- The Back Squat is one of THE fundamentally crucial lifts to build strength all over the body. Not just in the obvious places such as your legs but also your back & torso, your abs get a kicking hit just by holding yourself upright. Even your shoulders need on point to prop that barbell in place. Take into account the all the central nervous system (CNS) recruitment and its a full body experience!!
- Hitting five heavy sets of five is a MASSIVE workout in of itself!
- Adding further spice to proceedings we are going to add in a specific TEMPO & a PAUSE too.
- Take TWO full seconds to lower yourself down to the bottom position. This may not sound like a lot of time but if you properly count yourself down you will see the difference. On top of that we want you to pause on the FIRST REP for THREE full seconds. Be sure to stay active in that bottom holding position.
- All this time under tension will have huge benefit to your strength gains! Get around each other, watch your buddies lift, grab sone high fives and lets roll!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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