WoD: “Cardio Hardio”
Complete 5 Rounds, Each For Time
Row 250m
Rest 3 mins between the sets.
- 250m on the rower is spicy. So spicy! Men & Women will differ in their targets & results but consider the fact we are going hard for 40-55 secs (M) and 50-65 secs (F). With a 3 minute rest between this equates to a work to rest ratio of 1:3 and will sup us with enough ammo to hit the next round hard enough.
- Back in January we did the classic 8 x 250m row workout with “rest as needed”. We found that day that the rest wasn’t quite enough to allow more consistency. This day we will cut the number of efforts in favour of more rest.
- Don’t be fooled by the 1250m of rowing on offer. You will be doing far more than that. We are actually going to make this an aerobic capacity style session. All up we will row a lot before the 5 rounds. We will sit ion the machine in-between rounds and we will row a lot after the 5 rounds. How far? Well that will just need to told at the briefing. Think how high level swimmers will train for their sessions and you get the idea.
- Overall goal today is to make those 5 efforts the best possible times they can be.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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