WoD: “Pump Up The Jam”
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes
800m Block Run
Max Reps Push Ups in 1 minute*
- It’s Friday. It’s time to round out the working week with a simple but oh so effective workout. These type of WoDs are the ones that creep up on us and hit us in the face and show us that our fitness has no ceiling or limit and there is ALWAYS another level to aspire to.
- The runs. Give it your best shot to run these at a scary pace for yourself. don’t allow yourself to get caught in a “resting pace” trap. We want hard, intense runs.
- The push ups. They will become the bain of your workout for sure. Why you ask? well check the next line!
- *= Here’s the kicker, we are looking for big sets on the push ups. so much so that we have implemented a penalty rule for if/when you break them up. For each break on the push ups you will get a 5 rep v-up penalty. That is, for example if it you break the push ups 4 times across the 1 minute then you will need to do 20 v-ups before heading out on the next run. We want stamina building sets. We also want CONTINUOUS movement. no pausing at the top or bottom will be allowed. Straight up, straight down movement will be the way forward. don’t be afraid to scale to the knees or even a box/wall to ensure you can keep moving.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your number of ROUNDS & PUSH UP REPS to Beyond The Whiteboard.
The humble push up. much underestimated in its value and importance.
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