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WoD – “Single Leg Nation!”
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 3 Minutes
6 Power Cleans (52.5 / 37.5 kg)
6 Front Rack Lunges (52.5 / 37.5 kg)
Rest 1 Minute. Repeat for a total of 4 Cycles.
- Seems simple huh? The beauty of this workout lies in its “Simplicity”. You have just two moves to focus on meaning you can push your threshold to a greater point.
- The short time domain is there to demand, entice & encourage you to move faster than you want to.
- The clean will feel moderate. The lunge not so much. The lunges are NOT walking ones. Do them in place.
- Single leg work is so valuable to you. The benefits include: Better balance in your joints/muscles. Better symmetry in them. You will be more functional the more you incorporate single leg work. Increased Flexibility. They are great for your ‘Core’. The list could go on & on. Lets do this!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post number of ROUNDS from each AMRAP & total rounds to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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