CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Friday 24/01/20

Let's get those plates a movin'!!! . Photo Credit: Angela Clancy

Let's get those plates a movin'!!!
Photo Credit: Angela Clancy

  WoD: "Everest"

Sumo Deadlift High Pull

5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5


  • Strength days, or "heavy days" are to be respected within the CrossFit prescription & programming. They are just as valuable as your "metcon" workouts. If you don't work on your strength training and dial in focussed technique you the progress will be harder to come by. These are the days we get to turn the clock off so to speak & not get flustered by "moving for time". There are certainly times for that type of lifting and we incorporate them into timed workouts to develop that side of your fitness.
  • But true heavy days are where we get to geek out on the nuances of lifting weight. It is in this "geekery" that we can see & correct our faults properly. Take our time to rest & reflect and make changes in the very next set. Then we can truly test ourselves on what we are actually capable of and work off that in other training going forwards.
  • During todays work sets we WON'T do any sets "touch & go" style. We want to place extra emphasis on true "core to extremity" movement and allow our legs/hips the chance to fully do their work before we try and shrug & pull that bar to Everest.
  • Overall goal today is to two-fold. Firstly focus on getting your hips do fully open before your shrug & pull happens. And secondly let's build toward that fifth & final set to be the heaviest and our "heavy-5" for the day.
  • Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
  • Scale as needed.


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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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