WoD: K.I.S.S
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/ 20″)
15 Ring Rows
20 Kettlebell Swings (24 / 16 kg)
- “K.I.S.S” is a well known acronym used to reinforce the message that over complicating things generally only leads to sub par outcomes.
- K.I.S.S stands for “Keep It Simple Stupid” & was a design principle noted by the U.S Navy in 1960. The K.I.S.S principle states that the most systems will work best if they are kept simple as opposed to being made complicated.
- In our realm we can link this to our training program & workouts written into it. If we were to over complicate things by flooding you all with multiple pieces of work to do then you would find yourself diluting the amount of effort and subsequent quality you can bring to it. On our side of things if we program a vastly complicated & convoluted workout with many moving parts that don’t compliment each other or promote a high power output (intensity) then you will find you will yourself slugging though a WoD stopping & starting whilst you figure out just how many reps the 8th move of the WoD has wondering why you’re doing Burpees in the same workout that has Push-Ups in there!!
- Today we bring you something so simple the only thing you can do is blast your way home to a huge result of repetitions. You will have had no choice but to hit a level of discomfort that will bring with it some fantastic adaption & response to your body. Off the back of this you will be more Fit & have become well versed at the “basic” movements in front of you.
- Don’t underestimate the power of simple. Simple works. Simple delivers results. Simple always wins out.
- Be impressed by intensity, not volume.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
Post Number of ROUNDS to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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