WoD: “Feeling The Grind”
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 16 Minutes
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (6L/6R)
18 Dumbbell Goblet Lunges
60 Double Unders
M: 25kg. —|— W: 17.5kg.
- Going with some single arm & single leg movement today. This is otherwise known as unilateral movement but we won’t get all geeky on you like that! Anyhoo using your limbs independently on each other forces us to think more intuitively about how awe move & use them. The neurological benefits from this are wonderful and are something that shouldn’t be overlooked in your training.
- Today we have made the Dumbbell a bit heavier than normal so be sure you are being as stable as possible whilst throwing that weight overhead.
- For those beautiful lunges hold the Dumbbell with one hand, with two hands, your choice. Only rules are that you must have your actual hand/s on the “DB” and it must be above chest height (meaning you cannot rack on your shoulders behind you or drop it by the side.
- Tough one to end out your working week. A grind some might say. Let’s get over that and get to work!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your Number of Rounds to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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