WoD: “Core Values”
Complete 5 Rounds For Time
30 Dumbbell Walking Lunges
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
10 V – Ups
- You may not notice it but your midline is being asked to work on all three moves. YOU get to choose the weights on both loaded moves. Consider our prescription and “moderately heavy” meaning that the weight is a genuine challenge for you but you can still go unbroken on them. If you find that you need to put the DB’s or KB down at any stage in the first 3 rounds then it is too heavy. Brace your “core”, or as we would like to call it, your Trunk, tight to stay stable & even in your lunges and hold you in a tight position for the swings.
- for the lunges hold a DB in each hand and hold them by your sides. (NOT on the rack position).
- We will be doing a “bulletproof” segment after this WoD has concluded.
- Lets get after it!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post TIME to Beyond The Whiteboard
Trunk Strength 101
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