[A]: Every Minute On The Minute For 7 Mins:
2 Power Snatch + 1 Full snatch
> Rest / Transition 2 Mins <<
[B]: 10 Minutes on the Clock:
Hit a Heavy Snatch
- Technical & Heavy day on the Rooftop.
- The first part is to prime your body, mind & CNS for the later section. Don;’t look to max out on the EMOM. Move well & efficiently. Start around 60-65% of your 1RM and only add load if appropriate.
- The second section is all you. You get 10 mins on the clock. Hit as many singles as you like in the timeframe. Above all else put into practice everything we teach. Positions, leg drive, finish. etc etc. Get after it.
- Lots of lifting today, get in EARLY to further prep your shoulders, hips, ankles, etc to move as best you can.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post the EMOM loads, the post the THREE best singles you make after that. to Beyond The Whiteboard
Get ya in the mood to lift??
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