WoD: Dem Quads Tho!
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes
10 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (20 / 15 kg)
15 Pull Ups
20 Box Jumps (24 / 20 “)
- The variability of using dumbbells rather than standard barbells brings about so much adaptation, not just physical but also neurological too. By insisting your limbs/muscles fend for themselves your brain activity is already working more for you to stabilise, organise & produce force on its own merits. They are a great tool to fix any imbalances the may lie from side to side in regards to your muscles, AND will inherently make you stronger for it too! Plus you look bad-ass using them too!!
- This WoD packs a punch, It comes courtesy of Mainsite & you will soon know about your legs just a few minutes into this. Be safe on the jumps! No prizes or medals for trying to finish your jumps before anyone else!! Get those legs up HIGH!
- Note: Each rep of the DB clean must see one end of the DB touch the floor between each rep & you must pass hip-crease below knees (“below parallel”) each rep too. They’re a burner alright!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
Post Loads to Beyond The Whiteboard
“More Dumbbells, More Dumbbells, More Dumbbells”
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