CrossFit CBD


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Iet’s look at the CBD 2019 Benchmark Cycle Workouts!!



On Wednesday we spoke to you on the concept of the (CBD Benchmark Cycle) and dove into the details of the why and how. This post we’ll take a look at the fun in store for 2019 and give you a little more background on some of our selections.

This year’s collection of workouts includes 9 total workouts. Of the 9, we have 2 that are considered short time domain (0:00-7:00), 3 in the medium time domain (7:00-14:00) and 2 in the slightly longer time domain (14:00-30:00), and 2 strength workouts.

We have looked at the data on where the gym as a while can do with improving on. We found that our Gymnastics could do with a spruce up and our Snatching wasn’t as fluid as we’d like. On that gymnastics front you will see things peppered in there like the fabled Handstand Push Up, The Dip, The Toes To Bar to name but a few. There are three chosen snatch WoDs, one to work on your squat snatch for loading and the other two designed to help increase barbell cycling & grip strength.

There are also a propensity to the slightly shorter time domains to elicit some adaptation in the urgency and sprinting needed for some workouts. Its a fine skill to learn how to go close to the edge of your threshold without actually letting it get too hot!

Not forgetting our medium to longer domains either we have chosen some WoD specifically designed to have you moving continuously for a period of time in order to develop sheer capacity. Anyone realise in “19.1” that they were simply running out of puff in a 15 minute effort??

Lets take a look at the selection…….



For Time:

100 Pull-Ups

100 Push-Ups

100 Sit-Ups

100 Air Squats

One of the famous “Girl” Benchmarks “Angie” tests our strength endurance as well as our ability to hold form under large volume. There are two ways to attack this WoD. One is to go “as written”. This is where you would do all 100 pull-ups before hitting all 100 push-ups and so on. If you intend on hitting “Murph” in this fashion in June then this would be a great training exercise for that. The other way would be to partition it up to your liking. Say 10 sets of 1o of each move, or 5 sets of 20. This can often times garner a more intense version of the workout. both are great ways to develop gymnastics volume. We would encourage that you play about with both schemes across the three times you will be tested in it.


“The CrossFit Total”

Back Squat, 1 Rep

Strict Press, 1 Rep

Deadlift, 1 Rep

The “Total” is a great strength WoD that allows you to see where you are currently at with you power lifts (Back Squat, Strict Press & Deadlift) by testing our 1 Rep Maxes on each. Note we said “Currently at”. Strength training is very much an undulating experience. It does NOT always go up up up. And just because you lifted 100kg 15 months ago, or even 6 months ago, it doesn’t guarantee you will do it again today.  You will get to play with this special WoD three times over the next 9 months. Set the current benchmark first time around. Then we will train hard in preparation for the next go and so on.



3 Rounds, 1 Min at each station:

1 Min of Burpees

1 Min of Power Snatch (35 / 25 kg)

1 Min of Box Jumps (24″ / 20″)

1 Min of Thrusters (35 / 25 kg)

1 Min of Chest To Bar Pull Ups

1 Min REST

Originally designed as a charity WoD in the same vain “Fight Gone Bad” was. This WoD follows the same format as “FGB” in that we play for maximum repetitions in 1 minute windows across 5 different movements. These kind of WoDs are superb for developing pure conditioning as well developing some mental stamina. Not having a cap on the reps puts the onus back on you to get what YOU think you can. This one will see some carnage on the dance floor!


Open WoD 13.4

AMRAP in 7 Minutes:

3 Clean & Jerks

3 Toes To Bar

6 Clean & Jerks

6 Toes…. Keep adding 3 reps each round until time is called.

A true test of your grip strength and your ability to cycle a barbell, “13.4” was a simple looking looking couplet that smoked all before it when introduced during the 2013 CrossFit Open. The combo of a clean & jerk and toes to bar seemed simple enough but with an increasing rep scheme and just 7 mins on the clock it feels like a sprint!!


“Snatch EMOM”

Every Min On The Min, x 20 Mins:

1 Snatch (score is total kilos lifted across the 20 mins)

Another strength day WoD but one with a difference. We start lightweight & each minute we build a little bit at a time. This one is FANTASTIC to help with our Snatch technique. Working “Oly” lifts in an “on the minute” format keeps us moving, keeps us thinking, and keeps us on our toes all at the same time. The Snatch is perhaps the most technical of all the lifts taught in the gym. Oh and did we forget to mention that this will a SQUAT SNATCH version. Yup, we know everyone prefers the power version but all that tells us is that is that no one wants to get under the barbell. This will help us with our mobility/flexibility, our coordination and of course our power & speed. Lets turn this movement into a strength of ours!!



5 Rounds:

12 Deadlifts (70 / 47.5)

9 Hang Power Cleans

6 Push Jerks

This classic “Hero WoD” is an absolute beast!! Its a pretty heavy barbell to say the least and the grip pump is very real in this one!! Most Hero workouts nowadays tend to be really long ones going anywhere from 25 – 60 minutes or more! This one is intended at being sub 10 and if you choose the right weight it’ll be sub 8! Getting the rhythm in your barbell cycling will be key here.


Open WoD “16.3”

AMRAP in 7 minutes:

10 Snatch (35 / 25 kg)

3 Bar Muscle Ups

When this one was unveiled in the 2016 CrossFit Open it was the first time Bar Muscle Ups popped up and it sent the CrossFit world into a frenzy. This is super spicy and pushes us to move way faster than we want. The bar is light & the BMU poses more of a challenge than you think 3 reps should do.



21 – 15 – 9 (reps) for time:

Handstand Push Ups

Ring Dips


The trifecta of push!! This was the first ever Hero WoD released back in the day. It hurt then and it hurts now. This is a timeless classic which tests out skills bit also our strength endurance. It leaves us sore in the arms after for sure but once you can get to a level to be able to keep moving through this one you know you’ve built a fairly decent level of upper body strength. This can go longer than you think however it was not designed that way! Get ready to move butt!



On a C2 Rower, go 10 Rounds of:

Pull a Sub 1:30 (1:43) / 500m pace for as long as possible

Rest 1 minute between rounds.

We left this one till last as it will surely go down in CBD folklore as one helluva Doozy!! Plainly put this is gnarly!! This WoD is amazing at finding out just how fast you can sprint on the rower and (obviously) it will help us learn just exactly how to sprint on the rower. We are going to get a huge anaerobic hit here! To clarify scoring, you only start counting the seconds once you pull UNDER the 1:30(1:43) pace and the time stops the second you back over it again. Rinse & repeat for 10 beautiful rounds. Enjoy!


You may have noticed a commonalty among most, if not all, of these chosen WoDs = INTENSITY!!

It has been said that “performance is directly correlated with intensity. Intensity is directly correlated with discomfort.” We know Intensity gets results and makes you Fit. It comes in all manner of forms, shapes & sizes. We will get after each of these with true gusto as we know you always do. Then in the in-between times (ie: your “normal” training days) we will program, in our authentic “GPP” way, to improve upon all of these facets laid above.

We hope you are pumped by the list. We get going on the new Cycle real soon!

In fact we get going TOMORROW!! Which one do you hope to see first???

Well there it is! let us know your thoughts and see you in class!

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