WoD: “Honesty Ball”
21 – 15 – 9 (reps for time)
Strict Pull-Ups
- Strict strength is vital to gaining momentum (no pun intended) for the more fanciful stuff. If you want to kip a pull-up do more strict work. If you want that muscle-up do m ore strict work. If you want that clean & jerk number do more strict work.
- And we don’t just mean get 1, 2 or 3 reps under your belt. Aim higher and work towards sets of 6, 7, 8, etc. When you can belt some sets of those out you KNOW the other stuff is either just around the corner or its already there and you haven’t tried it. (Side note to our folk who have sets of 6, 7, 8, etc strict pull-ups. Aim higher! Sets of 10+. There is NO ceiling to this kind of stuff.
- As for the thruster. We ALL squat to a med ball today. Yup. All the way down and make that contact each & every time. See what this does to your thruster sets. Will it slow them down? Who knows. Will it speed you up? Who knows. But what it will do is work us to a more fuller range of motion! Enjoy.
- Overall goal today is under 10 mins. Thrusters unbroken & pull-ups done in efficient sets.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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