WoD: “Pain & Gain”
[A]: Pre Workout
10 Minutes to build to a “Heavy” 3 Touch & Go Power Cleans
[B]: WoD: For Time
10 Power Cleans
50 Double Unders
8 Power Cleans
40 Double Unders
6 Power Cleans
30 Double Unders
4 Power Cleans
20 Double Unders
2 Power Cleans
10 Double Unders
M: 62.5kg —|— W: 42.5kg
- Going with two segments to the WoD today. Sometimes this is appropriate in order to develop a movement &/or build confidence in our own techniques in it. We can’t do this style of training everyday as it would lead to many tired & sore bodies who ultimately will end up “saving themselves” either for a the lifting component or the metcon. Plus if you do every day where is the variance to your program??
- Today we want you to build up to a “Heavy 3” on the Power Clean. We will put 10 mins on the board after a few initial warm up sets and we want to see what you can do under these conditions. We also will be insisting on the reps being “Touch & Go”. This will make it a transferable skill back toward CrossFit. None moreso than the WoD that is upcoming.
- For the Metcon this is short & sharp. Think 5-8 mins as the goal. Thew bar should be moderately heavy BUT you can still hit 5-6 reps touch & go at the start!
- Kicking way to start the week & summer itself!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your best 3 rep Power Clean & your TIME to Beyond The Whiteboard
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