WoD: Shaken Not Stirred!
Every 90 Seconds For 15 Minutes (10 Rounds)
10 Thrusters (35 / 25 kg)
10 Burpees
- Intervals to kick off your week! Move fast, move well & hustle!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale As needed.
POST WoD: Bulletproofing #1
10 Minutes For Quality:
10 Glute Bridges (w/3 second pause at the top)
10 Curl Ups
- This is the first of our bulletproofing pieces you will see featuring throughout July.
- Note you will likely see the term “for quality” written in. This is very important. NONe of the pieces you will get will be “for time” or for max rounds/reps. You will be given sets & reps to hit but always with the quality of your movement in mind. Some will be gentle like today & some will be brutal. But they will ALL be adding your structural base to build you into stronger, bulletproof athletes!
Post number of rounds (out of 10) to Beyond The Whiteboard
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