WoD: “Beef Jerky!”
For Time:
30 Push Jerks (70 / 47.5 kg)
100 Kettlebell Swings (24 / 16 kg)
30 Push Jerks (70 / 47.5 kg)
- Not two weeks ago you were given a WoD with 25 Push Jerks sandwiched between a couple Med Ball Cleans. Remember it? If not click here. Today we prescribe that same weight. We have added a few more reps in but today you also get the “luxury” of the racks. Use today to get a Heavy Push Jerk overhead. Get in tune with your legs & hips because they are what drives that bar overhead, NOT your arms!
- We will also get to see who has stable hip function in the second portion if them after you’ve hit a cool 100 KB swings. Be sure your hips are the driving force there too & not your low back!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- 13 min time cap. Scale As needed.
POST WoD: Bulletproofing #4
Come in & find out!!
- These are your bulletproofing pieces that you will see featuring throughout July.
- What is it you say? Well lets just keep that between us CBDer’s now hey. A little hint: it’ll be heavy, it’ll be awkward, & of course it’ll be fun!
- Note you will likely see the term “for quality” written in. This is very important. NONE of the pieces you will get will be “for time” or for “max rounds/reps”. You will be given sets & reps & time domains to hold, etc but always with the quality of your movement in mind. Some will be gentle like today & some will be brutal. But they will ALL be adding your structural base to build you into stronger, bulletproof athletes!
Post TIME to Beyond The Whiteboard
How well do you know your own Hip Extension? Get ready to use it tomorrow!
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