Strict time!!! – Strict Press and Strict Pull Ups !!
A): Strict Press 3 x 5, followed by one set of max reps push press at the same weight.
NOTES: Only add on 0.5 kg – 2.5kg from last week. Keep pushing the linear line on this. Warm your shoulders up with a couple of moderately weight sets then choose the weight for the three main sets and get after it. Allow for 2-4 mins rest between sets. When finished with all 3 sets and your rest hit up a max reps effort of Push Press on the same weight. Record the number of reps fully completed. Remember it’s only one set and it’s without being allowed to re rack the bar so really make a big effort to go all out.
Brace midline throughout and squeeze, squeeze, squeeze your legs and butt!
B): Every Minute On The Minute for 6 mins of Strict Pull ups. (6 males, 4 females).
NOTES: after you’re done with the strict press prep yourself for these pull ups. Remember its 6 minutes long and you don’t have to get the done unbroken so be smart about how you choose your rep schemes. The objective is to complete ALL the minutes with the required reps. If you end up missing some reps it means you should have scaled from the beginning. (Remember NO SCALING INSIDE THESE MINUTES!!).
Engage you lats and think “elbows down” when reaching that last few cm’s. Be honest too. If you kip don’t count it. Simple as that.