WoD: “Not For Time”
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 12 Minutes
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
30 Double Unders
- Time to get upside down!!
- The strict handstand push-up is an unbelievably valuable & must-have tool to have in your tool kit IF you want to be able to do the fancier, “sexier” kipping HSPU. Or IF you want to do things like split jerk or snatch well over your own bodyweight. These things can more likely come IF you have worked on your strict gymnastics. Why? Besides the obvious reasons of strength & stability, there is the coordination benefits of knowing how to move your own body space (very very handy if you want things like that heavy olympic lift PR). Another reason is that its frickin cool!!
- Today come in ready to work on PROGRESSING your craft. Your skill work will last as long as the WoD itself!! If we want to get better it takes work, NOT just time in the gym but actual WORK too.
- Overall goal today is to get at least 5 rounds completed by the end.
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
Post your number of ROUNDS to your Beyond The Whiteboard account.
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