Another week closer to the Open folks (registration opens this Wednesday just so you know, head over to if you are interested). With that in mind programming in the ROD will start to reflect that. We will still have our staple strength/technique manoeuvres, but we’ll be adding in some spicy little numbers that will help your preparation for the Open. Even if you are not interested at all in the Open these bits will still help you progress as a CrossFitter.
The aim is along with enhancing your strength and technique is to get you using your grip more and more. The better your grip strength is the more reps you will be able to piece together. The longer you can hold onto that bar, pull up bar, Kettlebell, etc. Whatever it may be it will help you in the Open WODs and indeed in our CBD WODs.
Any queries or questions come grab a coach.
A): 10 mins to find a “heavy”: 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean. …….Then perform a 3 further sets of the same complex at 80-85% of that “heavy”
(NOTE: both ‘hangs’ are to be at the Lo-hang, 1″ above the knee).
NOTES: Going on from what’s written above this will help your grip strength as well as build some all important technique and strength too. Where we have written about about finding a “heavy”, we mean it as that you have only 10 minutes to test this out. Absolutely no more than that.
It also does not have to mean you need to PR this. Remember every day isn’t going to be PR day. If you happen to PR this that’s great but if it’s a few KG’s under your PR power clean then so be it. Your’ll be tired enough at the end of the task so please don’t be chasing a number. Only chase virtuosity in your movement.
With regards to the movement make sure that each move within the complex is done to its full potential, realising that each move whist having obvious similarities has it’s own merits of importance. On the power clean make sure your back is tight, and think about “digging” your heels into the ground when you lift the bar off the of the ground. When you pass the knee (your shoulders should still be in front of the bar at this stage) “sweep” the bar back toward your centre of mass. Be sure to explode and OPEN THOSE HIPS driving upwards. Transfer that power into your shoulders and shrug the hell out of them, only then do you “pull” under the bar. On the hang power clean, make sure you and your shoulders are OVER AND IN FRONT OF THE BAR. Aggressively open those hips once more and get under that bar.
On the hang squat clean do the same again and when getting under the bar make sure land and catch in a solid position, especially in the midline.
It should also go without saying but we’ll say it anyways. FOOTWORK, you start with your feet under your hips, and then they should be at shoulder width apart, alá your squat stance, when you receive the bar. Get those tootsies a movin’ and your’ll prosper. Don’t move the feet and your’ll hit a wall in not time at all.
B): False Grip Ring Rows, 3×10
NOTES: A great muscle up progression,the false grip ring row helps develop the all important grip required for strict muscle ups (as we all know strict is king). The idea is to draw yourself toward the rings making contact at your sternum with the rings hitting the centre most point of your chest. When we say centre most point, we mean pull the rings into the line that goes down the centre of of your body. When you are at the top of the pull the rings should be touching each other as well as your body.
Maintain the false grip throughout the 10 reps. On the first set you can allow your arms to have a slight bend in the elbow when you’re at the bottom, just so you can get used to the move. But on the the next two sets, turn your wrists out at the bottom to unlock and extend those arms, still keeping hold of the false grip.
Also if you are showing great competency at this you can move your feet further under the beam to make it harder, or even feet on top a small box.