Monday the 13th… Garfield’s worst nightmare!
Anyhow we are week 2 of the new cycle. If you don’t know what means head back to last weeks ROD posts to read an explanation on the system. Week 2 of the Wendler way sees us lifting for 3’s. The sets end up at 90% so make body and mind are both switched on.
Monday 13th October. Wave 1; Week 2.
Back Squat,
3 Reps @ 70%
3 Reps @ 80%
3+ Reps @ 90% (This is the Max Effort set. Aim for 8 reps+).
* Remember the %’s are to be calculated off of 90% of your 1RM! *
If not doing Wendler do this:
3 x 3, same load across, 80-85%.
Notes: To warm up for the three working sets, Do three sets of 5 reps at 40%; 50%; & 60%. Be efficient about your work rate. Don’t rest between warm up sets. But when you’re in the working sets you should look at a 2 min rest time.
When on the Max Effort set at the end aim for 8 reps or more. This may not seem like a great deal of reps but think about it, we are at 90% here! Look after yourself, DO NOT go to a stage of failure!!! You should be stopping with 1 or 2 reps left in the tank and be able to re-rack the bar yourself! DO NOT IGNORE THIS POINT!!!
Form wise, Keep the weight through your heels. send the hips back and keep your chest proud. We shouldn’t even have to say this but keep those knees tracking out over the toes.