We’re back!!!
After a couple of weeks with minimal ROD programming to recover from the Open its time to kicking again! We hope you have taken stock of your Open journey and have an idea on what you want/need to work on. It’s time to hone in some strength work, get your skills up and in everything you should be working on technique.
lets go.
Remember to always listen to your body. If you’re feeling worse for wear sub out one of the tasks today and get some mobility in.
A): Dead Lift 3 -3 -3 (work up to around 80-85% of 1RM)
Form tips:
– work to establish and maintain vertical shins at all times.
– set your back straight as a die.
– maintaining those vertical shins, pull your hips down and get the chest up.
– find the weight in your heels.
– drag that bar up those legs! (keep it close!!)
– hips & shoulders to rise at the same time until bar has passed knees, then its time to extend those hips and stand all the way up.
– squeeze your legs, butt and stomach at the top.
– on the way down push those hips back, way back, and glide the bar down your legs.
– when you get passed the knees make the whole unit sink back to the floor, still maintaining those vertical shins!
B): Barbell Bent Over Row 5 x 5 (rest 60-90s between sets, keep the load the same on all sets)
Notes: Important move this. make sure to keep your back dead straight. make the bar touch the body on each rep.
the challenge here is set the load you are after and rest only 60-90 seconds between the sets. We want to keep rest to a minimum and challenge you to achieve all reps successfully. don’t dilly dally with this and the objective is unbroken sets.
Enjoy 🙂