WoD: "Witness The Fitness"
Complete As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 Minutes
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
10 Push Press
5 Bar Muscle Ups
M: 35kg. ---|--- W: 25kg.
- Lightweight workouts are so often misunderstood in terms of their effectiveness. People mistake them for "easy" yet the fact that they are lightweight makes them hard as heck! Reason being is that because the weight is lighter there is NOTHING to stop you from moving. We can mistake using lighter weight as "taking it easier today" when it fact it only is enabling you to move more reps in a shorter space of time, thus increasing your work capacity.
- We like to remind people that the "RX" isn't just matching the weights/reps written on the whiteboard. It's actually matching those weights/reps/standards written AND hitting the intended stimulus and dose of that particular workout. Just because you can lift the prescribed weight written today does it mean you actually should lift it today?? Therein lies the question. Have a think about it. If you believe you will be pumping out multiple rounds out unbroken & in quick, fine fashion then let's go. If not then pull a few kg off and feel what we are trying to get out of this one.
- As for the Bar Muscle Ups, these are very demanding moves. Perhaps the most "heavily-loaded" move of the three today. Use the kip to an aggressive but clinical degree. If you're attempting it you be darn be sure you are all-in for the rep. No wants to eat chicken wings today!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
- Stay Humble. Work Hard. Be Happy.
Post your Number of ROUNDS/REPS to Beyond The Whiteboard.
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