WoD: “Jump – Jump!”
Complete For Time:
12 Push Jerks
24 Box Jumps
10 Push Jerks
30 Box Jumps
8 Push Jerks
36 Box Jumps
Bar = 70 / 47.5 kg. | Box = 24″ / 20″.
- A fundamental key to athletic function is the act of Hip Extension. To properly open one’s hips fully is to show your strength, power, coordination all in one!
- It doesn’t only apply to athletic or sporting potential. You need proper hip function for life too. Using your hips properly gives you independence. As a society we are losing the ability to keep our hips healthy. This is why its so important to keep active throughout our lifetime using & applying functional movements like the two the menu today.
- The bar is meant as “Moderately Heavy”. The intent is that you can do the set of 12 reps in 1-2 sets. The Box jumps are reasonable in terms of volume. Be efficient but don’t get get complacent. Really thrust your way unto & fully on top the box. (Hint: Your quads are going to feel this one so be sure to jump high!!).
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- 13 min time cap. Scale as needed.
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