What a great weekend for CF CBD. First up, a great turnout for the Xmas WOD on the ROD and also big congrats to our athletes who were involved at the comp in CF Moorabbin. You gave it your all and we are all immensely proud of you!
It was also awesome to see so many head down to Moorabbin to cheer on our guys ‘n gals who were competing. We made a hell of a racket and were most definitely the biggest, loudest crowd presence there! Great show of community guys!!
Let’s carry that camaraderie on in our own WODs up on the Rooftop. If when you’ve finished a WOD someone is still plugging away at it, rather than go inside and sit down or chat by the sidelines, dust yourself off and head out to them athletes who are still working hard and encourage them home. We’ve all been in that position at one time or another so you should know what a great help it is to know there are people are who want to see you finish strongly.
A): Barbell Bent Over Row 3 x 10.
NOTES: try to get heavier than last week but only on the condition that the form is PERFECT. We’re looking for a straight, flat, tight back and for the barbell to make clear and concise contact with your body each rep. Retract your shoulder blades as you draw the bar toward you. Keep your legs slightly unlocked. Don’t go stiff legged.
This movement is majorly important for building a strong and stable upper back which will in turn transfer over to many different movements such as pull ups, cleans, etc so keep working hard on the Row.
B) Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 9 mins perform:
3/2 Muscle Ups – OR – 7/5 Chest To Bar Pull Ups/Strict Pull Ups if you don’t have muscle ups. (See last note below at the end of paragraph as to what standard of pull up you will do today).
NOTES: whilst we want to build strength up week by week with our Barbell Movements, it’s also just as important to work on our Gymnastic strength. If we don’t regularly practice things like Muscle Ups, CTB’s, Strict Pull ups, Strict Ring Dips, strict HSPU’s to name but a few, we can have the tendency to “lose” them. Don’t be fooled in to thinking that cos you can do a few reps of these when you’re fresh that your’ll be able to transfer it into every WOD that has these movements.
We want you to aggressively attack this EMOM. Try to get your reps done early and actually rest for the rest of the minute however long that may be. These are standard rep numbers so really if you’re having trouble doing these numbers then we will probably need to look at scaling things back a touch (including WODs) until our strength levels meet the mark.
If you are needing to scale on the pull ups that’s fine but DO NOT make your scaling too easy just to get the numbers on board.
If you’re doing Muscle Ups try to make the first rep of each minute a strict MU and not “Kip” it.
(Note: a small bit of scaling, ie: using a pink or yellow if you normally are “RX” or adding a pink or yellow to your existing scale is acceptable. Anything more is not allowed and as such your EMOM will be strict pull ups instead).