Strength WoD:
Overhead Squat
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- Kicking the week off with a Heavy Day & feeling out one of the best moments out there to test overall strength, flexibility & stabilty.
- The Overhead squat is an amazing movement that can develop even the very best athletes in the world as well as the newcomer to the program. Sure, the weight on your bar won't be anywhere near that of the loads you may front or back squat but thats not the where this moves separates itself is it?
- The beauty truly lies in how you hold that bar aloft. How you activate & engage that midline (You want abs? Then master the Overhead Squat, then get Heavy on it & watch your abs come to life!).
- Then there is the whole "active shoulder" thing going on overhead to think about. Be doubly sure you are actively pushing UP into that barbell the whole time it is overhead & your shoulders will soon know about working hard!
- Your loads today will solely be dictated by how capable you are able to keep sound positioning in ALL areas of your body (the active shoulders, where the bar sits overhead, the depth of course, etc).
- Fun Fun Fun!!
- Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
- Scale as needed.
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