CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Monday 17th February

Some NC Comp and/or CrossFit Open prep! Let’s go!!


A): NC Comp WOD #2:

40 single arm KB swings (24/16kg)

10m Goblet Lunge

15 Burpee Box Jumps

100 Double Unders

20 Toes to Bar

(Strict 10 Minute time cap).


NOTES:  For all you peeps who have entered the NC Comp this coming weekend. Use this as a practice run through to gauge how long it will take you. (Bear in mind there will be a fatigue factor involved on the day, not to mention nervous energy expenditure). Look to be as efficient as possible through all movements, and work hard on two things.

One: work hard to minimise rest. If you are going to hit each movement unbroken then a slightly longer rest is ok. If however you keep stopping in the middle of a rep sequence, always take a look at the timer and take note of how long you are doing nothing. You should be only taking 3-10 seconds rest each time.

Factor number two to work on: Composure. Be calm throughout, even if things aren’t going to plan. Take deep breaths, tell yourself it’ll be ok, and get back to it. Remember, throwing your toys out of the pram and/or tensing up will not get you anywhere.

If you are not in the NC Open this weekend, then still do this because it’ll actually be good conditioning for the upcoming CrossFit Open which starts in 11 days! (have you signed up yet??).

Form note: On the single arm kb swings, try to do 20 per arm (without alternating each rep. Swap over at the halfway mark). Keep the back straight and make your hips do the talking and not your back!! On  the burped box jumps, assume you have to open your hips on the way through (just in case), if this is not part of the movement standards, then all the better for you on the day!!! yay!


B): Whichever of the above movements went the worst for you – 10 Mins solid practice at it! Today!!


NOTES: Yup! We refuse to believe that the whole WOD would’ve gone perfect. This means that there would have been some efficiency lost somewhere. look back at your worst exercise and practice the hell out of it! You don’t want this to be a reason you mess up on the day. And please don’t respond with “i’ve normally got these so i don’t need to practice” WRONG!!!!!! EVERYBODY needs to practice, especially if the moves seem so basic, thats how the best in world become the best in the world – they practice their basics…. a LOT! Get on it folks, that includes the peeps doing this that are not in the NC OPEN.

NOTE: Resist the urge to practice the other NC WODs as they will be coming up this week too!!!

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Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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